Position paper on hazardous chemical mixtures

To express concern and raise awareness on hazardous chemical mixtures and combined exposure, the Coordinators and representatives of several EC funded research projects, EDC-MixRisk, EuroMix, EU-ToxRisk, HBM4EU, SOLUTIONS, have sent a position paper (17 April 2018) to Director‐Generals of DG Environment, DG Research and Innovation and DG Health and Food Safety.

The position paper entitled “Preventing risks for people and environment from hazardous chemical mixtures” calls for action, taking benefit from the stepwise translation of the science i.e., employment of already existing  as well as development of new approaches, methodologies and tools. It proposes 12 key actions and recommendations to help better address combined effects and overcome remaining gaps in chemical mixture research and policy making. It also provides some feedback and ideas from research projects’ perspective to the preparations of the next Framework Programme, Horizon Europe.


Researchers and stakeholders agreeing with the key messages have the opportunity to support the initiative and co-sign the position paper (until 31 May 2018).

Link to the Position Paper: Position paper 180417 for the EC

Link to the co-signing form: https://goo.gl/forms/aORWa3FtxgpGth3o2


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